he Administration and Staff of Temple Christian Academy are very excited about our school!

Dr. J. Stephen Crane serves as Administrator of TCA, while his wife, Dr. Valerie A. Crane serves as Office Manager.  They have been serving TCA now for over 2 decades.

Bro. Jon Reimers is the Principal of TCA.  He and his wife, Hope, have brought a fun and exciting atmosphere to the school.

We are so very proud of all of our TCA Staff!


Jon and Hope Reimers
Principal / teacher

Pastor and Mrs. J. Stephen Crane
Adminstrator / office manager

Our staff

Angie Cockrell

Donna glasenapp

martha jameson
1st and 2nd

hope reimers
3rd and 4th

Jon reimers

J.D. Wright 

LydiA williams
admin secretary
accreditation coordinator

Jolene Brooks
5th and 6th

martha jameson
1st and 2nd

Donald glasenapp
building/maint. supervisor

Lydia williams
Admin Secretary
Accreditation Coordinator

Jon Reimers

Donald Glasenapp
building/maint supervisor

Mission Statement
The mission of TCA is to pass on our faith to the next generation of students so that they may live a separated life unto the Lord and hold to the Biblical faith and Christian living. Also, to pass on to our students the knowledge and wisdom that they will need to function successfully in the modern world.

Philosophy Statement
TCA was created to assist families in preparing their children so that they will be sufficiently equipped to assume the mantle of leadership that they will soon inherit. Since the main responsibility of a parent is to ensure that his child is trained in such a way as to live a Godly and productive life, TCA desires to be a tool that parents can use to achieve this end.

Since the primary reason for the existence of the school is a spiritual ministry, evangelistic efforts are made to bring all students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that the teaching of spiritual truths may have a firm foundation. This is followed by instruction in right thinking, good conduct, and clean living in the light of the principles of God’s Word.